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pseudo love

When a female believes that a boy loves her when in actuallity the boy wishes the bitch was dead. Can go bofe wayz.

You still think I &$^%You must have a touch of that pseudo love because I actually wish that you were dead. get over it bitch don't flatter urself. You gots corn nibblets foe teef and you butt ugly icecream man/liquor store owner made bitch.

by dudeUlove January 12, 2010

12πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A person who is attracted to people who are over 18 but still appear underage. This doesn't necessarily apply to those in the age ranges of 18-19, but even those aged 20+ who may also look surprisingly underage.

A lot of people state that many 18-year-olds don't look like they're over 18, but even then I've actually witnessed some 21-year-old women in bars who look like they're still in high school. My point is that some people (whether they're 18, 19, 20, or even 21) can look underage and it's already enough for people to call you a pseudo-pedophile.

by CelticEagle July 22, 2019

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The pseudo-hobo is usually a younger homeless man that is homeless not due to hardships or mental disorders but rather from disillusioned hippy ideals and/or an addiction to laziness and often crystal meth. Pseudo-hobos thrive in college towns where they try to land naive college girls, who will offer them a couch to crash on much to the dismay of her roommates.

They are most easily spotted by their grundgy apparel usually consisting of baggy clothes or hipstery clothing. They almost always are near a public computer wear they can get easy access to porn and myspace accounts.

"Dude someone has to let me borrow their phone! I just got this girls number on myspace"-Pseudo-hobo #1

"Shut up I'm busy jerking off on this public computer"-Pseudo-hobo #2

by JTTTTTTTTTTT June 22, 2010

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to affiliate oneself to a non-relative female when enebriated for the sole purpose to get free drinks at a bar at 3am and if the cards are right there will be pseudo-incest later in the evening.

Pseudo-Bro: Hey bartender this is LC (pseudo-sis) she is my sister.

Bartender: You are LC's brother?? Well then drinks are on the house!

Pseudo-Bro: Sweet!

by Lanserlicious August 29, 2007

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A β€˜Pseudo-Nigger’ is a person whom is of European descent though sees there skin colour as an excuse to say My Nigga. For example, Turkish people were never oppressed in the sense that gives them the right to say My Nigga, thus making them a Pseudo-Nigga.

Emre: β€œMy Nigga.”
Real Nigga: β€œMy Nigga you can’t say that, you be a Turk-Nigga!” *chomps into chicken wing*
Emre: β€œMy Nigga”
Emre is a Pseudo-Nigga.

by OmgItzGeorge May 21, 2019

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Derogatory term aimed at people giving information, and sometimes misinformation, without the credentials to do so. These people often type as if they are scientists, blindly citing wikipedia.

X: You're retarded so who cares about your opininon, Y.
Y: According to wikipedia, and I cite, that is an argumentum ad hominem, or a logical fallacy attempting to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the opponent advocating the premise.
X: Stop being a pseudo-intellectual.

by tinygiantz March 22, 2011

8πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Internet writing very much like 1337 (using numbers in place of letters), but easier for mainstream readers to understand. Often used by Emos, fags and people who want to believe that they "pwn".

Psuedo-leet usually only substitues numbers for vowels.

Gay guy on AIM: y0 dud3, 1 t0t411y pwn!
Straight guy on AIM: stop typing in Pseudo-leet, you homo!

by Full~Metal~Jack-off October 4, 2006

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