A guy or girl , usually a Leo with a big ego is so full of them self’s they think they can’t physically do anything wrong, be carful of Rory’s because their backstabbing assholes
Loyal friend - hey Rory how is it going
Rory - hi bestie it’s good hru ps. Luv u 🐝
Also Rory - have you seen (loyal friend) I want to hide from the bitch
someone that everyone loves. he has a big cock and nice abs.
Rory is really kind,funny,EMO 👹. Hes probably really short or really tall rarely in the middle. Rory probably is a they/them idk it just seems like it. Hes probably gay lmao. Last thing, They’re probably a genshin addict.
I was describing myself and my name is rory lol.
Rory is a sweet and caring girl she dosent act like it intill you get to meet her if you ever date a rory you are the luckiest person in the world
Damn is that a rory over there.