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saddle ass

saddle ass is a world wide phenomenon in which a man or a women that spends most of their time around or on horses or camels developed sores and rashes and lesions on their ass a life time of pain and possible infections make this disease harmful to ones health

doctors thought it was aids but blood tests revealed different it's saddle ass

by sanxity March 30, 2019

cream saddle sandwich

two pringles sandwiched together with the greatest feat of american engineering, squeeze cheese in between.

i am going to make a cream saddle sandwich!

by ๐Ÿ February 12, 2023

saddle butt

1. The soreness felt on the buttocks after riding a bicycle, motorcycle, or horse when one is not used to it.

2. The way the buttocks looks when grinding in reverse cowgirl or doggystyle.

1. Man, I rode a horse for the first time in years yesterday and I've got the worst saddle butt!

2. Dude, you should see her saddle butt when she's riding.

by mad mortarman November 25, 2021

Saddle bags

The male version of camel toe. More accurate than โ€œmoose knucklesโ€ as it hangs from both sides.

Damn. His pants are really saddle bagging, his pants show of his saddle bags.

by Crafts n crimes February 1, 2021

Saddle bag

rude, ugly, immature, asshole, window licker,. Can also be someone who is a dirty whOre.

people who are just saddle bags you write off and send them trotten!

by Rachelise February 9, 2023

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saddle meat

A washed up bicycle racer, a biker who has seen better days.

Lance Armstrong ain't much more than saddle meat these days.

by bsieb January 23, 2012

to be saddled with

to be burdened with something

They don't want to be saddled with the financial burden of caring for their parents.

by mmitrolaw May 27, 2017