Basically a believer in Donald Trump theory on COVID-19
Person 1: I believe Natural Selection Trump Version!
Person 2: Same here dude!
when someone pushes off playing games with you for a long time, only calling when they're very tired.
"Bro, Travis has been pushing off when he wants to play games tn to play with his other friends."
"He sounds like he does alot of selective gaming."
Of or relating to cars that have been done up to look blingy or fast. They range from poorly done paint and stickers, aftermarket kits that are unpainted or painted the wrong color, spoilers, pointless large mufflers, curb feelers, etc. Can almost always be related to dubs on hoopties or cars that are fast and furious.
I would like to get a 1964 Chevy, but all the ones that I've seen have hydraulics or tiny wheels. I don't really want something from the select market.
When you spread your anus wide and someone comes up and has their penis select your bodancuous and beautiful butt
Elly had her anus open and Phil did a Player Select
the moment when your eating frys from an average restuarant like mcdonalds or burger king and start getting near the bottom where the ones left are to crispy, or cold, so you choose the best ones to eat and throw the rest out
Guy 1- hey man hurry up and eat, we gotta go
Guy 2- man shut up and hold on, im doin a fry selection
A method of filtering what you want to go from twitter to facebook.
Selective tweets prevents copies for when I share things with apps.
A tactic employed by certain politicians and groups that want to push their political agendas where that group or politician will say and or do certain things related to supporting or opposing specific issues in order to get certain types of reactions from particular populations, interest groups, and or, in some cases, other politicians. They usually do this to get more votes from different populations in society, or to get more financial and or political support from particular interest groups.
Natasha: I heard Senator Murkowski recently gave a speech on how they supported efforts of oil companies to begin drilling in certain parts of Alaska. I’m not sure why she would give a speech like that when she supports moving the country towards using renewable energy sources to prevent climate change, which negatively impacts many populations in her state. I could cost her their support down the line.
Ronald: She maybe employing selective political pressure in order to get more support from certain oil companies and specific Native American communities by appearing to support an issue they care about.