Source Code

bitchmade snitch

Bitchmade, as in created by a bitch, meaning a pussy ass person, but beyond that. snitch in this case is not meaning an informant, just someone of that level, a bitchmade snitch is the lowest of the low, someone you want out of the crew

Dat kids a bitchmade snitch, he chillin wit the bitches and not the boys

by AK47AK45 February 8, 2008

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facebook snitch

When a facebook friend tells your woman or man something that you already told the world.

Homeboy's Baby Momma: I unfriended you because you were talking shit about me to my man after you saw my post to the world on facebook about my friend who got into a wreck.

Pimp: Yeah I guess I just became a facebook snitch. OMG LOL, that was so last year.

Newyo Rican: Your both a bunch of facebook whores. I get all my facebook 4-1-1 from my wife on the DL, and don't officially have an account myself, but always know the instant something is posted on there like when that Vegas Pimp posted up on his wall. Wu Tang Motherfuckas.

by Vegas P. August 25, 2011

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School Snitch

The one who makes a living off of telling on someone in school.

Troy: hey dude, you ever heard about that snitch Brayden in 6th period?
Evan: oh yeah! That snitch cost me lunch detention for the rest of the week! I hate school snitches!

by TBS_Inferno May 8, 2019

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When one refuses to take responsibility for his own actions and tries to divert attention away from those actions by calling to light someone else's wrongful action.

Me and a co-worker both came late to work. To punish me, my manager told me I had to stay late. I told him I was only staying late if the other guy stays too.

I am a practitioner of snitch-bitchery at it's finest.

by DaBossRickyRoss July 14, 2009

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ankle snitch

any of a number of home detention monitoring devices which is worn around the ankle and reports activities to the court.

i.e. S.C.R.A.M. A device worn around the ankle and used to detect alcohol consuption


I just got home from court and now I have to wear this ankle snitch for 10 days and pay 16 bucks a day! These fools are trippin...

by all_night_nasty_man December 24, 2009

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snitch grass

Another word for "Bitch Ass"

Damn,Your One hell of a Snitch Grass!!

by bullissenior'13 May 17, 2008

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swamp snitching

someone who runs their mouth in a bath tub, which contain stagnant water.

dang that critter was swamp snitching to mr.j all day.

by brent50 November 25, 2007

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