Source Code

Super Sonic

The byproduct of someone at SEGA watching one too many Dragonball Z cartoons.

Instead of Sonic building up his strength by fighting in order to become Super Sonic, he just simply steals 7 Chaos Emeralds from Knuckles.

by AYB June 29, 2003

42πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Darkspine Sonic

A form of Sonic the Hedgehog after acquiring the World Rings in the game Sonic and the Secret Rings He is similar to Dark Super Sonic, as he is powered by negative emotion. His fur turns indigo and he becomes somewhat pale. His eyes,irises and mouth are not visible. His attacks are mainly close range, as opposed to Super Sonic who uses boost and energy abilities. Unlike Super Sonic, Darkspine Sonic doesnt suck up rings in this form.

Sonic Fan: Dude Darkspine Sonic kinda sucks,

2nd Sonic fan: I know, Excalibur Sonic was better.

by ChaosPunishment February 27, 2010

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Sonic Cult

A very good site for Sonic the Hedgehog fans. Often on the recieving end of abuse because people are too stupid to read the hugeass "Warning, this is liable to offend" notice on the first page.

Sonic Cult can do this shit because they are better than you.

by YK July 11, 2004

42πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

sonic cult

The only place I've seen on the internet where a large number of people made a comment on a picture of a muffin...

Myuutsuu> omg did u c all those fags comment on a muffin on Sonic CuLT?
Woosh> Yeah dude.. my penis is huge.
Myuutsuu> I wasn't talking about your penis :(

by Woosh June 1, 2004

28πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Dark Sonic

Dark Sonic is one of Sonic the hedgehog's super forms. Dark Sonic is filled with anger and rage. Dark Sonic will completely obliterate everything in his way. Dark Sonic turns Sonic to an extremely dark shade of blue, and his eyes become completely whited out. You don not want to mess with Sonic, or he may just become Dark Sonic and destroy you.

After seeing Chris passed out and seeing Cosmo completely terrified, Sonic became enraged and turned into Dark Sonic.

by TheBlueHedgehog September 11, 2015

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Sonic Screwdriver

The sonic probe device that The Doctor uses from the show ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ ᴑʜᴏ.

In the show each incarnation of The Doctor has their own unique design for the sonic screwdriver, this is only consistent in the modern reboot of the show. In the classic series The Doctor only had a sonic screwdriver from a few incarnations in.

β€œCan’t you just use your sonic screwdriver?”
β€œIt doesn’t do wood!”
β€œWhat do you mean it doesn’t do wood!?”

by Garry Masala March 6, 2021

sonic hydrobating

When you use the sounds of other things in your bathroom (the bath filling up, the bath draining, a running blow dyer, the heaters, etc.) to cancel out of the sound of you masturbating in the bathtub. While done successfully 90% of the time, your parents, roomates, girlfriend, (etc.) may become suspicious of extra long baths.

Dude 1: Dude I just had a nice and long sonic hydrobating sesh

Dude 2: Really dude? What noise did you use
Dude 1: I used a shower speaker and turned it up

by girthymango22 February 23, 2018