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squat mattress

A girl who fucks a lot of squatters. Often a squatter herself, though not necessarily.

That girl fucked all the guys in the squat! What a squat mattress!

by Tigrrlily November 21, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Squat Up

Meaning bring it on, fight me, come on, what's good, or come at me
Usually used to start a fight!

Tom: Aye what the hell you looking at?
Bill: Don't worry about it!
Tom: Fuck You!
Bill: Squat up bitch!

by Mickey D Mike January 19, 2011

43๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Squat Nazi

A type of squatter who beleives that their way of life is the only valid one and that all the rest of humanity are clueless, brain-dead cattle. Highly elitist -despite their so-called 'anarchist' pontifications- and extremely cliquey they tend to overlook the fact that everyone has to start somewhere and that if you haven't been a squatter for very long yourself then you aren't worth the waste of their valuable oxygen interacting with you.

More often than not this type of squatter will have come from a moneyed background (see Trustafarian ) and therefore beleive they hold the moral high ground in any argument because they have so thoroughly rejected the trappings of babylon to go live in a disused warehouse on the arse-end of a major city.

Usually fairly inept at any form of useful infrastructure related task to do with the squat (i.e. electrical and plumbing) but highly adept at cracking the place initially and, of course, letting you know just how much of a cunt you are for doing babylon related things like working in a shitty job or paying rent for your living space.

Rare examples of the type usually display other forms of left-leaning nazism such as being a vegan nazi, eco nazi, rainbow nazi etc etc

If you've ever been to a squat party in any major city (especially, but not exclusively, London) then you'd see exactly what is meant by this entry; squat nazis are not difficult to spot....

by dirtysquatter November 28, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sugar Squatting

The act of filling your mouth with water, having a male place his balls in the water-filled mouth getting the balls moist. Then the man with the moist balls, puts his balls in Kool-Aid powder. Then, proceeds to put his balls in the water-filled mouth. The process is then continued until the thirst needs are quenched.

Im goin' to my friends house, there is a sugar squattin party.

Damn, we are out of Kool-aid powder, we were gonna sugar squat.

I got dry nuts from sugar squatting.

My junk smells like Kool-aid from sugar squatting.

Lets sugar squat.

by Squattin' Masta' January 25, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Squatting Dog

The sex position known as "reverse cow-girl but done analy.

Alex: Yo dude your girl got pretty drunk last night.

Micah: Yeah man, we ended up doing the squatting dog. I still can't get the smell off...

by SquatsMcGee May 21, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pope Squat

Pope squatting is a sexual act in which a woman performs anal sex using a strapon on a man who has been completely waxed so that he looks underage. Following this act, the woman places a communion wafer in her vagina and squats over the man's face. The man must eat it.

Frank got so drunk last night that he let Sharon do a pope squat on him.

by zumpiez January 8, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Squat

a hot & sticky dump usually leaving your anus chafed & burning. cause by tacobell and many other fastfood chains

I'm goning to go take a hot squat, DAMN YOU TACO BELL!

That hot squat chafed my anus.

by Curtis December 31, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž