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fuck cancer

When you definitely hate cancer to the fullest.

Dude1: i cant hang at all today man
Dude2:why dude? Why so bummed out?
Dude1:my dad is sick of cancer man! Gotta go to the hospital all day brah.
Dude2:so sorry to hear, my mom is also sick with cancer! Everyone has cancer! FUCK CANCER!

by Hailtheluis February 21, 2016

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

cancer feminism

1. women are considered above men.

2. women are always the victim

3. All men are pigs until proven otherwise by a women

Examples of cancer feminism include:
The ability to revoke consent after the act has already been committed

by shadyblue9o9 April 17, 2017

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Wall Cancer

Wall cancer is a widely used facebook term used to describe members of groups with an uncanny ability to scare other members off group(s) simply by posting the most uninteresting and boring shite imaginable. It is also used to describe wall posts on fb groups. In many cases group members have even been known to leave groups due to copious amounts of garbage being posted by dolts with no sense of humour or purpose other than to amuse themselves.

Facebook Group Wall:

Higz: It's been quiet here today, where did everyone go?

Vanessa: Thomas turned up on group last night and posted a photo of a woman with grape hair and soon after everyone said goodnight and left. Some members even mentioned they would be leaving group permanently.

Higz: Great! didn't he post that dumb photo on group last week?

Vanessa: Yep, it was the same one. I think we should toss Thomas off the group, the guy is a wall cancer, and has actually managed to scare off a third of our members

Higz: Give him the boot, V

by Higzy Teflon December 9, 2010

234πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Cancer and Virgo

The are the best match together. Although both are shy they soon come out of their shells they have big hearts and love each other a lot. If they break up it will be the end of life both will feel as if love doesn’t exist anymore and they will feel depressed for months or years. Don’t stop loving each other you cancers and Virgos ♋️♍️

Oh they are the couple with the zodiac signs of cancer and Virgo they have the best relationship

by Lifezmusic13 May 31, 2020

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cancer sticks

cigarettes - so named because of their carcinogenic effect.

my boyfriend's mother died last week. the damn cancer sticks did her in. if u smoke, reader, you might die a slow painful death too. please don't.

by minghi May 22, 2003

397πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

Cancer Stick

A cigarette, fag, smokes etc

Keep puffing on that cancer stick

by dc2006090909 September 2, 2006

347πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Honda Cancer

The notorious rust that forms on the back quarter panels (above the wheel wells) of older model hondas.

"I got some rust forming on the left rear quarter panel of my 92 accord."

"Better get that Honda Cancer fixed before it spreads."

by Brutu$ July 25, 2009

55πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž