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feeling straight

Euphemism for male arousal. Other common terms are erection, hard-on

I woke up this morning feeling straight!

by Tru Tiger February 13, 2019

Mumford And Feels

the emotions one experiences listening to Mumford and Sons

person 1: man my feels when listening to "white blank page" by Mumford and sons
person 2: yeah man how about "dustbowl dance"
person 1: so many Mumford and feels

by heisenbergmachinemofo October 7, 2013

The John Feeling

A state of being one feels when they're immensely stressed, anxious, lazy, or exhausted. This is usually derived from school related things and activities, like low grades, but can involve anything ranging from something as basic as sleeping to even the most questionable idiosyncrasies. Often, one will feel powerless to change the outcome until the event transpires.

John: Kek I just skipped two of my 3 total college classes because I slept in from playing FO76 all night.

Jeremy: I guess you got the John Feeling John!

by bighairedman62 November 20, 2019

Feeling Heisenbergy

The inexplicable sensation a man feels to shave his head and grow a goatee after watching a particularly riveting episode of "Breaking Bad," often a season finale. Common side effects include lying, a desire to build a large meth empire, and being an overall dick.

Joe: Nate, what's up with the shaved head and goatee?
Nate: Dude, Joe, I just finished season 4 of "Breaking Bad" and I'm feeling super Heisenbergy.
Joe: I see. Why are you talking about meth all the time?
Nate: Feeling Heisenbergy!

by skinnyclear January 15, 2014

Who Feels?

A response to something nobody cares about or you don't want anybody to care about. Usually used in response to an insult.

"Your mom is so fat, she died"
"Who Feels?"

by Biker Toad November 13, 2020

Ya feels

When you explain something in the most scientific factual way you can and you feel good about yourself

“Yea 9+10 is 21 ya feels

by Shaboodie QuiQui December 17, 2018

catch feelings

To fall in love with someone at an inappropriate time or mistake a repeated hookup for a serious relationship.

"The instant they start to catch feelings
I start to stealin they shit
Then I'm out just like a thief in the night
I sink my teeth in to bite
You thinkin life, I'm thinkin more like - whassup tonight?"
-DMX "What They Want"

by Nick D January 10, 2004

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