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Jacking somthing like from a friend or a store. to take.

friend: WTF are you doing here??
me *sees some food in friends hand* *takes* *yells* jackson! *runs away*
friend: shit! get back here you fuckin poor pos!

by Bobby Kay November 7, 2006

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A guy of high energy with tons of friends kinda a chunky but sweet loving and caring

Jackson is the best boyfriend

by ABC_iam awesome April 10, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


He is typically a friendly, funny, open, guy. Music is a huge part of his life and he can play guitar. He can make your day brighter just by being in the same room as him. Even if youโ€™re having a terrible day, he picks you up and reminds you to keep teying. He makes friends with everyone. Heโ€™s super casual but he works hard. Heโ€™s very polite and sweet but also has an edgy sense of humour. Heโ€™s awkward, confident, helpful... and maybe a little bit charming :)itโ€™s hard not to like him, but heโ€™s too good of a friend to risk it. Heโ€™s the type of guy you promise youโ€™re just friends with, but are actually interested in for some reason.

Girl: So, thereโ€™s this guy in my class. Heโ€™s funny and really into music and polite and I donโ€™t know why, but I think I like him.
Friend: Do I knew him?
Girl: Itโ€™s Jackson.
Friend: Is that bad?
Girl: I already have a boyfriend.

by Good girl, bad story April 5, 2019

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A whole bitch

I hate Jackson

by Bob Marley the 9 May 6, 2019

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Jackson is the gayest one ever bro.

by Human Name is Bob March 12, 2018

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Fat ass boi that fills yo house with flesh. Cause' he's fat. He is so fat, that you are most likely touching his flabby fat rolls right now. You can't escape him. He is very fat. Cause' he fat.

"You're almost as fat as Jackson's ass." "You smell as good as Jackson's fat ass."

by BrobiaLover June 7, 2018

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We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout, We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.

by trs10408 November 10, 2017

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