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ticket taker

Someone who sells their freedom, morals, independence, soul, etc. in exchange for material wealth and worldly pleasures. (In other words, a sellout of the worst degree.) These people are typically lapdogs of the dark overlords that run the media and entertainment industry.

Ben Shapiro is often hailed as a prodigy, but he’s really just another ticket taker. He sold himself to the media industry and now he’s a spineless cuck who only does what (((they))) tell him to.

by EliteNinja26 July 30, 2023

toilet tickets

Another name for toilet paper

"Hey man bring me another roll of them toilet tickets! I'm out!"

by somebodythatyoudontknow May 6, 2018

Hell Ticket

A Hell Ticket is a joint that is rolled using any bible or religious paper, and by smoking that paper grants you a one way ticket to hell. Make sure that when smoking the Hell Ticket you do it with friends so you don’t burn in Hell alone.

I am gonna go straight to Hell for how many Hell Tickets I smoked last night.

by BrooksPennyWhore February 26, 2019

booty ticket

A slip or verbal version of the booty ticket is exceptional. A booty ticket is where a loved one or someone wanting to grab that booty. It cannot be denied or reversed

Dude, you should show her your booty ticket

by mister bum hole November 26, 2019

They bought their ticket

Use this phrase when someone knew it was coming, so they deserve the consequences. This phrase was said in "Airplane!" the movie.

A rollercoaster breaks in the middle of a ride and the people inside the rollercoaster are in danger.
"They bought their ticket," says a bystander of the situation.

by Timmy Mea. April 3, 2021

ate a ticket

getting busted by pigs

Thanks for coming out to the cornhole tournament. It was a blast!! Unfortunately the cops were not intrigued by my bag hucking skills and so I ate a ticket. Venmo is @huckbags and the digits are 42069

by 69loverneverdoer November 9, 2021

wolf tickets

To "cry wolf", as in the children's story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", meaning to persistently raise the alarm about a non-existent threat, with the implication that the person who cried wolf would not be taken seriously should a real emergency take place, which causes them trouble should ever have a legitimate need.

"I've never known him to sell wolf tickets; I believe his story about being attacked by ninjas."

by weirdoactor November 28, 2006

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