A desk boy is a guy (usually a simp) who sits under a an E-girls desk all day for the sole purpose of performing sexual services. They are usually restrained in some way or another.
"my Desk boy couldnt even last through one game of League of Legends last night"
A person who enjoys giving blowjobs to their partner under a desk. Usually given when the person recieving is in a voice chat of some kind.
"Man Amber blew her boyfriend while he was playing Call of Duty again! She's such a desk pet."
Commuting from your bed to your desk in the morning.
Popularized with the “work from home” movement post-Covid.
Instead of commuting in your car on a long trip to work, you now must instead commute from the comfort of your sleep to your computer desk.
Employee 1: Why is Janet on the Zoom meeting today? The boss is gonna be pissed at her.
Employee 2: She probably overslept and never made the desk commute
What you and your co workers become when someone leaves the office for other employment.
One coworker says to another "Dang girl, you should have seen it this morning. They were tall over that empty cubical like a flock of desk vultures"
Daisuki-desu. Japanese for 'I love you'.
"Bro, whats on your mind?", "Dice, key, desk. "
"That's so random. What, you thinking of going to Ikea?"
"Yeah. Wanna come? Help me search for a (s)key"
a question asked directly after someone shits on a desk. this is specifically from southpark(like all offensive things) when cartmen shat on Mr. Mackeys desk
cartmen:*shits on desk*
Mr. Mackey:eric did you just shit on my desk?