Source Code

Flip a brick

A brick is a kilo of cocaine or another narcotic. To β€œflip a brick” is to buy packages (bricks) of cocaine from a wholesaler, then process and distribute it to users at a profit.

If i run out of cash, I'll just flip a brick.

by cotch23 October 8, 2015

115πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Wizard Flip

Taking a hit of Acid and and 1/8th of shrooms at the same time.

Dude what did you do last night?

Bro me and Quinn wizard flipped and tripped the the whole night. We took a quest to the center of the mind

by Mike Wright, Quinn Duffy August 21, 2007

97πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Flip Off

.................... ..... /´¯/)
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.........\.......... ..... ..\/..../
..........''...\.... ..... . _.Β·Β΄
............\....... ..... ..(
..............\..... ..... ...\

How cool is this flip off?

by Nelson Cepeda September 17, 2006

2482πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž

Flip fuck

When two guys want to take and give each other’s cock

Hey let’s flip Fuck

by B.y.o.p.f.u March 28, 2018

93πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Gator Flip

A flip which is performed by grabbing onto the handrails of a city bus and somersaulting all the way over. This move is typically done on the late night bus routes at the University of Florida by drunk college students.

college student: "I'm about to do a gator flip in this bitch!!"
bus driver: "It's a long walk home"
college student: "I don't give a fuck!!"

by gatorstudent October 1, 2012

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Fairy flipping

Taking cocaine, molly, and shrooms together

He was fairy flipping last night, it was wild

by lennythegreat January 20, 2019


When you are focused on making a certain amount of money.
Flippingone hundred into one thousand dollars.
Turning a lesser amount of money into a larger amount of money.

Person: I need to Flip-a-stack by the end of the week.

BY: GiovanniDYMillYente

by MillYentei DYSlick September 17, 2020