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Logic Sense

When someone who has neither logic nor sense; but yet, wants to sound as if they have both. They will claim that they have, "Logic sense!"

Person A, "Grow a brain and then try making a thread."

Person B, "Shut Up, I have a brain dumbass, if I didnt I wouldn't be alive. I use logic sense. Piss off."

Person A, "Haha logic sense?

by another__penguin March 30, 2009

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zombie logic

Braindead. Acting zombie-like. Mall walker. First known instance Zombie Logic Press. Later applied to computer jargon. An oxymoron as zombies display no logic, only impulse.

A Walmart shopper eating a corndog is displaying zombie logic, or rather a lack of all logic.

by Thomas L. Vaultonburg August 31, 2005

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pussy logic

reasoned facts torn to shreds with overly emotional so- called intuition.

It's always pussy logic with her.

by Kay Turin December 6, 2007

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(oh-pruh-lawjick) ; Noun: a shapeless, shifting, feelings-driven form of reasoning, with a propensity to give too much consideration to whatever happened to be
the most recent statement made in a line of argument.

The 6th grade's class teacher's use of Oprah-Logic in her daily classes creates a lazy intellectualism that lends itself to impairing critical thinking skills.

by webjc April 18, 2009

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Corvette logic

Arrogant Psychological projection by Corvette owners. They make an average of $90,000+ a year and assume teens with Civics or other economical import are ignorant for not buying a Corvette or 500hp Mustang. For some reason they have the delusional thought that a 17 year old working at Wal-Mart or Auto Zone can afford a $55,000 uninsurable car that gets 16 MPG @ 3.55 a gallon. They claim these teens spent 50 grand on their Civics but really most are just 3000 dollar cars with a loud muffler, crappy wing and a K&N air filter.

These guys are usually the same assholes that think everyone not on a crappy Harley-Davidson wants one.

Corvette Frank: When are going to get rid of that ricer and get a Corvette.

Teenager: That's a typical Vette owners Corvette Logic. I'll get one when McDonalds starts paying $120,000 a year. Dude I could not pay your insurance rates and you are 58.

Corvette Frank: Back in my day I had a 1965 Pontiac GTO 389/360hp

Teenager: Let me know when gas hits 29 cents a gallon again and Maybe I'll get one.

by Harley Earl April 15, 2008

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Techno logic

1) A type of logic about computers, cellphones and computer codes (e.g. JavaScript, C++)
2) What every programmer has

Programmer: I can hack an account for you.
Guy: Really? Can you hack my gfs account?
Programmer: Certainly. Just let me use your computer for an hour.
-one hour later-
Programmer: Done.
Guy: How did you do that?
Programmer: I have a lot of techno logic!

by Urbanned October 15, 2015

logic chopper

The expression works as its own antonym, so depending on the context it means:

1. To argue with a powerful logic.
2. To make confusing arguments, usually involving equivocation.

1. Man, you always convince me! You are such a logic chopper!

2. No, we won't take the umbrella to the game. Just because last year it rained it doesn't mean this year it will. Stop chopping logic. The weather forecast said clearly it won't rain today. Enough said.

by Bruno G January 1, 2013