A godlike creature, also called "Grand Master", who became big and thicc after putting thousands of lebenden Totgeburten (living stillbirths) into his Laktissimus (Latissimus), cheeks and lips. He is often accompanied by his Gehilfen (assistant) Kai Greene.
Mr Piono (Rich Piano) : Give me all of them tasty living stilbirths, i want to put them into my Laktissimus!
Gehilfe (Kai Greene): But Grand Master, that's very dangerous! Nobody has done this before!
Mr Piono: *screaching* GIVE EM' TO MEEE!!!
When you go up and down someone's body, tapping at the erogenous points (nipples, sides, belly button)
1. Yo Carly played the reverse piano on me yesterday.
2. Man, I almost had a reverse piano going but his parents cane home.
When your entire palms are soft and smooth like piano fingers.
"Damn Bill. You got the piano palms!" - Christine
Usually a till, used to describe or is a metaphor for stingy Jews
Hold on, let me pull out my Jewish Piano, Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Ka-Ching, go catch the coins!
An over-the-pants hand job given by an older woman at the Mastro's Piano Bar in Beverly Hills.
Holy shit, did you hear Jim got a Mastro's Piano Bar from that cougar on Saturday night!?
A flicking motion of the pussy with two thumbs as if you were texting or playing a Dubani Thumb Piano
Last night I gave my girl the best Dubani Thumb Piano she'd ever had!