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A tomato-vegan is someone that doesn't eat tomatoes and never will.

Riley: Girl I had like 15 tomatoes today

Grace: *Gasps*

Riley: What?

Grace I'm a tomato-vegan!

Riley: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

Grace: I DON'T EAT TOMATOES!!! #StopTomatoCruelty


Riley: OK I GET IT! I'm sorry. I will never eat Tomatoes again.

Grace: OK. *hugs*

by YandereAf May 10, 2016

tomato snob

A gardener who refuses to eat tomatoes s/he didn't grow in the garden. Can be used for all other produce grown in a garden as someone who won't eat anything s/he didn't grow.

"I'm such a tomato snob, I can't go out to eat anymore."

by toughmutts July 4, 2009

The Tomato Factory

Over the years, chilling tales have circulated about the Tomato Factory, making it the scariest place known to man. Local legends recount eerie occurrences within its walls, from strange apparitions that wander its dark corridors to unexplained, bone-chilling screams echoing through the night. Some say that the souls of former factory workers still haunt the premises, seeking vengeance for their untimely deaths. The air is thick with unsettling energy, and those who dare to step foot inside often report feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and unease. It is a place where fear and darkness have taken residence, leaving visitors trembling with terror.

"I had a smile on my face as I entered the school bus for the field trip. The smile was wiped clean off of my face when I realized our destination was the Tomato Factory."

by RackARibs July 29, 2023

tomato souping

When a man ejaculates into his female partner who is currently on her Menstrual Cycle. The Female then Mixes the semen by contracting her vaginal section multiple times as the male lies down and the woman proceeds to feed her tomato soup to her partner.

I had an awesome time with Kelly last night by the Canal Stephen! Kelly fed me the best Tomato Soup ever!!

Kelly Bribed me last night to try her Southern authentic home prepared Tomato Soup. I would of much rather had Cambell's!

I couldn't help but go Tomato Souping last night at the party! Andrew told me Kelly won the national contest for Tomato Souping!! MMM.... MMM.. good!!

by Philly Mob Boss March 8, 2014

carved tomato

a gaping butthole

ew i hate girls with a carved tomato

by poopoostankstank February 18, 2021

Tomatoe head

The word "Tomato Head" is a great word to call someone if they act like a selfish ignorant lying pig. It is a nice way to tell someone that you absolutely despise them....oh, and Kim Taehyung is so pretty

Jimmy! Stop being such a tomatoe head!! That's why your dad left you.

by Taehyungs Cute<3 March 19, 2021

tomato brain

The mindset you have when you’re talking to your crush and you forget how to function like a normal human being

“Yeah so when I was talking to him, my tomato brain activated and I cackled at his joke”

“Damn that’s rough

by DumbBitch2.0 April 5, 2019