The simple but profound words “too smoove” simply mean to be without resistance, or without strain.
“you see him make that game winning shot?” “Yes, he is just too smoove wit it”
The dumb one's way of spelling "touche."
Used commonly after someone makes a statement. Gets extremely annoying after a while. This word sticks horribly.
Me: This crayons red.
Paul: No, its green!
Me: No, its actually red.
Paul: Ah, too-shay!
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This meaning is implied when you make the victory/peace sign, followed by cupping your index and thumb in the shape of a letter 'C'.
Instead of saying something is good, awesome, excellent etc...use the too cool sign to express your feelings nonverbally.
When the girl in the car next to me lifted up her shirt to expose her mommy baggies, I quickly gave her the V C symbol to express my pleasure and how cool she was.
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Being far beyond the normal range of heights, over 6'4" male or over 6'0" female.
That guy is 7 feet, that's way too tall.
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Caring for a social issue that actually matters but is usually called out for going too far.
The term given to the Dream Defenders during the 2018 Florida elections. The organization was called out for being “too radical” because they cared about basic human rights and freedom such as a living wage, healthcare for all, and a state without private prisons that profit from targeting and incarcerating communities of color.
You care about giving back felons thier right to vote back and give them a second chance to be productive members of society? That’s too radical.
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Typically a Kevin. Some think he’s suicidal, some think he’s a gangster, but really he’s just a misunderstood person that was abandoned as an adolescent. Low key he gets respect by all people because of his views on life & equality among everyone.
That mf too crazy saucy. We know, let him be he only fucks with people that fuck with him.
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