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Tug Boating

The art of getting a handjob from your girlfriend while stuffing your face into her titties in a motorboating fashion.

I love it when Rachel and I go Tug Boating!!!

by RicksRubicon December 4, 2008

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Airport Tug

To have sex doggy style and then before climax grab the woman's breasts and tug like crazy while yelling "Aircraft Traffic Controller, Do I have permission to land?" and regardless of what she says put your penis on her back and jizz on her neck

Dude doggy style is so last century,the airport tug is where it's at now

by Willie0512 January 15, 2010

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Rub Tug

When a girl gives a great blow job incorporating her hands and maybe even her sweaty feet. A rub tug in the top of the line bj. Never use the saying "rub tug "when you received anything short of perfection.

Kim Kardashian gives the meanest rub tugs

by I <3 nigg's January 26, 2020

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Cutty Tugging

To masturbate with long nails, so that they dig in and heighten the sense of euphoria at climax. Classical cutty tugging does cause superficial cuts and minor bleeding, although a newer gentrified experience is achieved after having a manicure.

Scott: You seem in some discomfort there Gary, Gary: Yes, I was cutty tugging last night and it hasn't healed up yet, Scott: Ahh, cutty tugging, say no more, here's some savlon

by Dr Melonhead January 29, 2015

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tug towel

the towel used to jerk off into to minimize mess

My roommate has to stop leaving his tug towel on the couch!

by bergadelic May 20, 2011

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Tug of War

The act of combining fornication or sodomy with the playing of tug of war using a dog's chew toy. This position works best if one participant lays on his or her back, and their partner sits on their lap. The tug of war type doggy chew toy is then placed with opposing ends in each of the participants mouths. If the participant on the bottom is male, he can fornicate or sodomize his partner while they struggle to pull the chew toy from each other.

The act of fighting against one's partner in order to pull the chew toy from them causes a very pleasurable sensation for one's genitalia, and growling and snarling with bared teeth can uniquely heighten the moment of orgasm, and contribute a primal, bestial quality that is far too often missing from everyday sex.

The act can be performed heterosexually or homosexually.

"The PE teacher at the local highschool was fired for telling his students to play Tug of War with him."

"I always wondered why my boyfriend kept a dog's chew toy in his room when he never had a dog. After we played Tug of War last night, I understood."

"I ripped out a tooth last night playing Tug of War."

by Mr. Gency's Exit April 6, 2008

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Tug Boat

1. A male who must keep one member of a group afloat and with the program much like a tug boat has to keep a barge afloat and going in the correct direction.
2. A male who often must pull along less motivated participants within a circle of friends. They are often loud, humorous, and unrelenting in their passion for having fun and finding shananigans. A Tug boat will not stop untill all necessary participants are aboard with the evenings plans, regardless of how much his friends' girlfriends dig their heels in the mud and say NO!!!

1. Spunk needed to be dragged out sometimes, much like a barge, by the group tug boat.

2. Greg was such a tug boat regardless of how tired Matt, Lauren or Spunk were he always got them to go out and have fun!

by LaurCoogy March 12, 2007

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