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Tuna stick

The smell left on your penis when one hasn't properly washed after intercourse.

Yo! We near the ocean or that your tuna stick i smell?

by M & A Cat June 30, 2017

Hotdog tuna

After you put a dick in a dirty vagina and wake up the next morning it smells like a can of tuna.

I hooked up with toilet mouth last night and I got a big whiff of my hotdog tuna when I woke up.

I'M gonna pack that ass with this hotdog tuna!

by Wrenstin March 24, 2017

tuna bum

A bum hole that stinks of fish, can be called tuna butt or bum hole as well.

Person 1- Just had a poo, wiped my ass, stinks like fish!
Person 2- Errrr tuna bum.

by Pip-squeak January 4, 2021

Tuna monster

Food that will smell bad as it rots (e. g. tuna fish) intentionally left hidden where it will bother and confuse someone.

“I threaten to nail my obnoxious neighbor with a tuna monster at least once a month.”

“I left a tuna monster for my former roommate- inside the curtain rods and down inside the holes in the floor where the old-school radiators used to be!”

by s22901 February 3, 2018

Tuna net

Referring to a pair of women’s underwear.

Guy #1 - Dude check out that chick over there pulling the
Tuna Net out of her crack.

Guy #2 - Yeah man it looks like she's trying to free a

Guy #1 - I know man, that's hot!

by Battle-Canyons August 12, 2012

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When T-Pain decides to do a Starkist commercial

Youtube User: I auto-tuned T-Pains auto-tuna commercial.
Youtube comment: so meta.

by Blake Edwards September 16, 2010

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Tuna Burp

An expulsion of wind from the vulva during coitus; a vaginal fart or queef

After plowing my girlfriend, a loud airy noise popped from her vagina. She exclaimed "pardon me, my TUNA BURPED!"

by Turdsando February 23, 2011

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