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Terry Turners

Terry Turners... Meaning the turn-ups on ones jeans or trousers.

Terry Turner was a non fictional character hailing from Salford. Turner being an actual person was contrary to popular believe, many believing him to be a myth or a basis for cockney ryhming slang... eg Terry Turner Turn-ups. Terry Turner was famed for sporting the largest turn ups in the North West of England.
"look at the size of those Terry Turners!"

by skindeep December 15, 2007

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Tina Turner

A black bag!! or binliner

Bob: Oi Tony pass me a Tina Turner.
Tony: What's that?
Bob: A Black Bag.

by Charvey January 14, 2008

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bed turner

You wet the fuckin' bed

Dude, your such a fuckin' bed turner
who the fuck wets there bed at the age 35

by Kendogz (with the help of my friends) November 18, 2005

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Male masturbatory technique involving a reversed left-hand grip made necessary when using the right hand to turn the page of nudie magazine.

I wanted to bust a nut before the end of her pictorial, so I used the ol' page-turner.

by Mountin' Merl March 4, 2007

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Turner and Hooch

This sexually move, quite common in Russia, is preformed by fucking some girl, preferably dumb, and when you're about to cum you turn her over and let your dog fuck her as you blow a load on her face.

I gave that girl the Turner and Hooch she's never looked better than when my dog was hitting that ass.

by Col. Pooper August 23, 2008

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nyjah turner

A purple people eater

Nyjah turner likes to eat people. She's a purple people eater.

by Blehhhhhhhhhhhx3 October 12, 2013

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tyrone turner

he is the cutest guy you will ever meet he thinks of himself as a thug but he really is the most sweetest person in the world once you get to know him for who he really is you will fall in love

i love tyrone turner he is very thoughtful and he respects girls

by xoxxxooooxo September 5, 2019

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