When one has twink attributes, while simultaneously exhibiting big dick energy
Johnny walks around with big twink energy
Popular British Minecraft youtuber/streamer GeorgeNotFound
Look up "british twink" in a dictionary and you'll find GeorgeNotFound
Shitty douching water. As we all know, twink are submissive bottoms, and they need to douche before anal sex so they wont shit in bed. After the water sits in their rectum and mixes with shit, it becomes stanky and cloudy. That creates the twink drink.
- Are you ready to get your ass destroyed? i saw the Twink Drink in the toilet
- Oh dont mind that daddy
- I took a straw and tried it, tastes earthy😍
Jockstrap-wearing, popper-sniffing twink bottoms that roam gay clubs hunting for dick. Lost causes with no jobs who somehow still afford club entry and overpriced drinks.
Often found sucking off the DJ in the club bathrooms, with their hand down the front of your pants, or crying uncontrollably in a locked cubicle.
Fuck, I just passive-inhaled a massive cloud of amyl when i walked past that swarm of gutter twinks.
The inability to recognize a familiar young gay man due to excessive attractiveness.
Guy 1: Whoa, check out that hot guy that just walked in.
Guy 2: That's Mark you idiot. We've worked with him for years.
Guy 1: Oh right. Damn twink blindness.
I feel like I could grab coffee twink's wrist and break his brittle bird like arm with one hand