Source Code

Calculator Watch

A key and crucial asset to Oscar, as it is not only used as a tool to show the time but it is a mathematical genius of an invention. Oscar used this to calculate the size of Rezs nose, and the sheer size of the Earth, Oscar single handedly became a genius just by using the amazing and genius invention of the calculator watch by Casio>

"oi Oscar did you use your calculator watch during the test you thicc lad"

by Rezisthicc April 19, 2019

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Wiki watch

Getting to know the plot of a movie online easily by reading it from the wikipedia.

"I havent seen any of the HP series yet! Cuz my friends hate HP.. But Im just gonna wiki watch it if you insist"

by Power-Inside March 21, 2009

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watching movies

,v.1)code term for smoking THC containing flora. 2) code term for making out and/or scoring

Me and Kristen watched movies and then watched more movies.

by ceelo March 24, 2003

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watching blue

To watch porn.

A blue film, blue picture, or bf is a euphemistic term used in India, Sri Lanka, Israel and Nepal for an adult film, often made by amateurs or shot in a style recalling amateur porn.

The term blue picture comes from Great Britain, where blue is euphemistically used to refer to works targeting the prurient interest or those that are considered offensive, obscene or in bad taste.

Hey, were you watching blue?

by harryl June 5, 2014

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Watch the show

An expression used to tell someone to pay attention, usually said out of annoyance or irritation.

"Wait, did the teacher say we were working in groups?"

"She said that 20 minutes ago, dude! Watch the show!"

by MrExister February 14, 2023

Shit watching

when you binge watch shitty YouTube videos for hours, because you don't know what the fuck you are doing with your life.

The videos you watch needs to be fucking useless. for example, all of "food Insiders" or "buzz feed" videos.

It is like Shitposting but with YouTube videos.

I have been shit watching buzz feed videos all night. OMG what am I doing with my life!!!

by SpeedGG June 18, 2018

Doze Watching

Listening to a movie, or TV show , while dozing yet paying just enough attention to know what is going on.

1. John had just eaten a full meal and sat down to watch a movie but ended up doze watching it.
2. Christopher's wife is often amazed that he knows what is going on in movies when he is doze watching.

by Pepperw2 April 22, 2018