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RAG week

RAG week - the RAG stands for 'Raising And Giving,' 'Raise A Grand,' or general funness depending on who you ask. Whatever it is, it is theoretically supposed to be about students raising money for charity in various creative ways, while having fun at the same time.

Increasingly, however, it is simply a week-long orgy of alcohol.

Damo: Doing anything for RAG week?
Bob: I'm gonna get totally pissed on Guinness and shrooms.
Damo: Sweet! What about you, Jack?
Jack: I'm thinking of doing a spinsored bungee jump and giving the money to Oxfam...Say, would you guys sponsor me.
Damo and Bob: No way! We need that money to get wasted!

by Darth Ridley November 12, 2006

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Beach Week

This is the week when a group of misogynist, over-privileged teenage boys who're steeped in the Bro Culture lure their female classmates to a house on the beach that's been stocked with several kegs of beer, junk food, and party lights. While there, they drink to excess, repeatedly lose their virginity, black out, drink more to get over their hangovers, and do it all again the next day.

What happens during Beach Week stays on the beach! I don't have any memory of having sex without consent with multiple female partners. Heck, all we had were a few beers, some laughs, and thoughts of becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

by Snakefishbait September 29, 2018

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blob week

Period of menstruation.

"You can't shag me tonight dear, it's blob week".

by Mike Hewitt January 21, 2004

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gig'em week

Gig'Em week started in 2000 as the week before the Fall semester starts in Aggieland. Recently renamed to "Howdy Week" for no apparent reason, except to make it sound lame. Fear not, a name change will not make Gig'Em week any less than what it truly has been for the past 17 years, which is a giant week long party!!! Upperclassman of all ages look forward to Gig'Em week as a time to absolutely rage their faces off before real school work sets in. Who are we kidding though, the first week of school, "syllabus week" is also an appropriate time to commit such acts of putting school on the back burner for just a little longer! So get ready freshman you're in for a treat, also please refrain from using the term, "Howdy Week", it simply goes against tradition.

"Gig'Em week is in less than 5 days, I can't wait to get ignate."

"Last Gig'Em week I ended up in Foundies like every night, and I haven't been there since freshman year."

"WHOOP I am about to get tore up at Gig'Em week this year!"

by RedAssAg August 15, 2017

graveyard week

A week when all of your exes or old hook ups reappear in your life within one week. Usually happens a couple times a year, and can be in person, or by phone / social media.

I.e. when all your ghosts come back to haunt you

Oh my God, Justin and James both texted me this morning and I randomly saw Michael at Starbucks yesterday. I think I'm having my graveyard week

by pela January 10, 2018

Satan's Week

When a female is on her period.

EX: Rachel told her boyfriend she couldn't have sex due to Satan's Week.

by RU$$IANMAFIA April 22, 2020

graduation week

The week following graduation where seniors celebrate their success.

No one could stop talking about the surreal event that took place during graduation week.

During the high school reunion people continued to bring up Joel's jumping off the roof during graduation week.

by themajorkey February 4, 2016