If a person who’s first name has a key in it and also has williams as his last name then this individual will have extordinary strength speed and knowledge in 2021
This persons with the last name williams will have a way better life after 2021
Sexy Beast with a huge dick. Love him like you've loved no other because you won't realize what you have until it's gone
William is my best friend and always will be.
basic British name, if you’re looking for a old British man on tinder just write William and they’ll all pop up :)
And if you’re young and you’re still named William... no i can’t... that would be serious
“I went to William’s Funeral”
William: “oh... let me tell you...uhm... about the good old dayys..”
William is a Christian biblical meaning "protector of holy land". Related to the old German name Wilhelm meaning "protector or guardian".
Example 1. The william keeps a watchful eye over homes and lands.
Example 2. William watches over the flock.
A friend of yours that protects you. He may be emo deep down inside, but you will never know. He tends to try and give women peace offerings at lunch. He also creates Constitutions and enforces them. He'd make a great president. He is also known for being the man with muscles and a big willy.
William and his muscles and massive cock make him smashable.
William would make a great president
Very epic. Knows how to get all the ladies. Knows much about cars and racing. Can seem like a jerk at first but very nice once you get to know him. Some times has ADHD, and last name is typically Franklin.
Wow. That guy is very epic and cool probably. He must be William.