When someones text message reply contains only the letter 'K', because the person is either to lazy or cool to add the letter 'O' in front.
Text message:
Person 1: Hey dude, it was so good seeing you the other day! I haven't seen you in agesss we should catch up!
The Bamberg K offender: K
Person 1: Babe, I'm pregnant
The Bamberg K offender: K
A girl with big dreams that will hopefully come true. She's a team player and is super lovely and sweet, and cares about everyone she meets. Once you get to know her, you meet her sassy side. She might be obsessed with some little thing like Star Wars, or Marvel let her be. She is one of the best people on this earth so treat her right. She times everything down to the second but is still a free spirit
Elise K, my girl
Elise K she is the best
Kick the Thread - see also bump and necro.
Hey, there be some awesome posts up in here that are again relevant, time to k/t.
that bitch ass doctor that turns you into a furry in changed. if I catch his/her ass lurking I'll put 30 caps in him/her
person 1: fuck dr k that bitch ass killed puro
When you have diarrhea a lot, Like way more than the normal person could have it.
Thanks to that Mickey-D yesterday, I had Kimmy-K all day long
you whrere bored so you spamed shit
do what the title says dumbass....specifically on March 22 😁
National F**k on Sanaa Day
Ex: Mark: ykw tomorrow is right?
?: No what is it??
Mark: It’s national fuck on Sanaa day dummy
?: Ohhhh that’s right. I’m definitely gonna do that tomorrow 👍🏾