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facebook rapping

when a person is talking B.S about some one but not in person.

1.) Ew she ugly and she cant sing she needa cover her face up with a bag so no one can see her ugly face and who cares if im facebook rapping

2.)Man i wish her ugly booty would go sit her frisky butt down man she kill me how she gonna be so ugly it should be a crime just ew and yes this is facebook rapping cause i cant say nun of dis crap in person but i can talk it over internet

above was some examples and btw i dont facebook rap it was just examples

by MissBeautyDaOriginal August 5, 2011

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Facebook puppyball

A person who takes normal comments as his insults and fights back by swearing other people to make them look big and winning.

Jack: Crashed my car !!

Dan:Dude,don worry ! Get a new one :P
Jack:Oh your fucking Dad will get me ? STFU asshole !
Dan:I was jus kiddin man. Don't get pissed
Jack:Thats what you become when dickheads like you talk.
Dan:Jeez ! what a facebook puppyball.

by ed45gr December 2, 2011

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Facebook Whisperer

One who can see through the facade of others' statuses, posts and comments on Facebook.

DB#1 - So what's up with you and Whatshername?

DB#2 - IDK, she seems cool and she's funny but always busts my balls if I don't post on her Wall for a day or two. Then she says she's only kidding. But me being the Facebook Whisperer and all, I know it's more than kidding.

DB#1 - She wants to fuck you.

by Total C game August 1, 2011

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Facebook Status Limit

Socially acceptable number of daily Facebook status updates. AKA: FSL

Facebook User: *FACEBOOK SPAM*
(2 mins later) Facebook User: *FACEBOOK SPAM*
(4 mins later) Facebook User: *FACEBOOK SPAM*
Facebook Friend: Dude, you've gone WAY over the Facebook Status Limit.

by ThatBritishBloke February 1, 2011

The 10 Personas of Facebook

The 10 Personas of Facebook refers to the 10 most common types of user personalities found on the social network:

1. The Activist
2. The Trivialite
3. The Publicist
4. The Lurker
5. The Elder
6. The Socialite
7. The Comedian
8. The Gamer
9. The Philosopher
10. The Enthusiast

Hollywood stars are just like The 10 Personas of Facebook. You have lurkers, activists, and socialites working together all in one place.

by Bizemom November 23, 2010

Facebook Kiss Ass

This person usually has maxed out his friends to 5,000 people he doesn't know. He rambles on all day about his activities in order to drum up attention and build his business. He kisses the ass of those he think can help him to the extent he causes them to believe someone is FB attacking them. He spends every waking hour trying to call everyone he knows (and even people he DOESN'T know) under the guise he is "exposing" this so called perpetrator, when in fact he is using the situation to increase his own popularity and contacts.

What is up with that Facebook Kiss Ass? Doesn't he have anything better to do then to try to appear to be a hero? He pretends to be sticking up for someone, when he is really kissing their ass and takes on the mission to take down this perpetrator for his "friend". He status chases the "perpetrator" and reports back to everyone on this persons posts, like a little minion. He attempts to spin their posts into negative attacks on his "friend". Funny because they all are just using him for information and think he is fool for wasting so much of his time on this crap.

by Are u a FB Kiss Ass? November 10, 2009

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nom de Facebook

A pseudonym you give yourself on Facebook so that you can avoid hearing from people from your past and/or maintain your professional image at work.

Bob Johnson’s nom de Facebook, Jim Boothe is working well for him. Sheila, his second ex-wife, hasn’t been able to find him online.

Mary has a high profile corporate law job. She developed a nom de Facebook so she can dish with her friends about Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus, as well as express her political views without worrying about repercussions at work.

by jayede June 26, 2010

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