a momentary lapse of thought in an individual, generally between the ages of forty to sixty-years-old or so: a brief aphasia when one cannot think of what to say or the right word for a thing, or has a momentary lapse of memory. 2. To draw a blank.
"Damn - I knew exactly what it was a minute ago, then it slipped away from me: Forgive me: I'm having a pre-senior moment."
8๐ 3๐
a jenny craig moment is when a bunch of drunk people start getting all emo and stat sharing there feelings.
*wile sobbing* guy:"do you know that your my bestfriend. you stuck by my side when nobody elese was there."
bystander: "you guys and ur damn jenny craig moments"
8๐ 3๐
An instance when an aluminum can (especially a beer can) falls out of your car door and makes a loud, clanking sound, the act can make the classiest perpetrator reduced to appear as trailer trash.
*opens pickup truck door in front of friends*
Oh crap, I just had a white trash moment!
14๐ 7๐
A really dramatic moment in which it seems like your in a soap opera and cheesy music should be playing
1: OMG!!!! He held my hand!
2: That is such a soap opera moment
1: I know!!
14๐ 7๐
Something a person does that if it were on camera definitely would make a great clip to post on U tube. A funny or cool act that everyone witnessing wishes they had on video.
Jim was showing off by sticking his hand in the snake cage. You should have seen his face when the snake bit him! That was a serious U tube moment!
Bob was riding his bike on the sidewalk down town. He turned to look a a hot chick and ran right into a telephone pole. That was a major U tube moment!
26๐ 16๐
When people outside the African American community speak loudly for any & every reason & take action for either a violent or nonviolent reason
Person 1: Dude , how's that fried chicken , macaroni & collard greens
Person 2: Its so good that I'm having a black people moment
12๐ 6๐
When you step out of the room to avoid offending anyone with the smell of your fart.
"Excuse me, I have to take a polite moment. Be right back."
Jeannie said she had to go get something in the other room, but we all knew that she wanted to take a polite moment so she wouldn't embarrass herself in front of Brad.
13๐ 6๐