When you pin an amputee down and pour fryer oil on them making them roll after you like an angry nugget
Holy fuck i just saw that mcdonalds worker pull an angry nugget on that war veteran
When two people who have no arms and no legs have sex.
I walked in on a nugget dunkin and immediately got sick.
Put your balls in your friends mouth
Do you want to do the nugget thing tonight
A small dick from another galaxy
I wanted to bang that dude but he had an Intergalactic-Space-Nugget
Someone who is salty about everything and must shut the fuck up.
Shut up you prune nugget you suck at jokes and are annoying bitch.
When someone is obviously dumb, and lacks key mental structuring.
Oh my goodness, he's such a goddamned ddim nugget.
When you have semi firm nuggets of feces in combination with diarrhea. Is often explosive or accompanied by violent and painful gas.
Bro, I'll never take shots of salsa verde again!!! That shit gave me hardcore gut nuggets