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communication rape

the act of over-communication weather it be on facebook, text messages or phone calls.

Heather :"Take a shower and then you can communication rape me"

Dude 1: "Bro she wouldn't leave me alone. She kept obsessively texting and facebooking me."

Dude 2: "You my friend, have been a victim of communication rape. You should tell someone."

by call_me_kels June 9, 2011

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Preacher Rape

What Catholic priest do to little boys

"I would love to preacher rape that Valero girl."
"Dude that's sick as fuck."

by Hdjfkf January 27, 2019

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BumperSticker Rape

A constant barrage of bumperstickers from a particular person or persons on facebook or myspace

Bill: Dude why do you BumperSticker Rape me
Chris: Cause they are mad funny
Bill: You suck

by Kswens May 4, 2009

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Face rape

Kissing for more than five minutes, to the point where your lips get chapped.

Boy Alex wanted to face rape girl Alex when she came over to hang out, this lead to both of them needing chapstick after.

by Sophia1815 November 21, 2018

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Pwnage Rape

Extreme pwnage combined w/ intense rapage. Most often used in video gaming, esp. online or multiplayer, and can be used w/ the term newbs or noobs.

That was some intense pwnage rape when he took out that whole room fulla noobs in 10 seconds.

Man, i just got done pwnage raping a shit tonna noobs in cod.

by shit-tard November 30, 2010

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Rape funnel

"A big hole in the ground on worms" - Where the landscape has been formed into a pit in which any grenades fired into will roll to the bottom where any worms will inevitably be ruined.

forts on worms (the video game), the opposing team has destroyed the landscape and made a pit where some of the players are collected, they can fire grenades into this pit and easily kill off enemies, hence they're going to get raped and are in a rape funnel!

by thewhiterussian November 27, 2011

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smile rape

The act of forcing an individual to smile without their own consent usually by physical force

Kellan noticed Ryan was unhappy so he smile raped him by tickling his sides

by Mr. Giggles wiggle May 23, 2017

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