a person born on February 29th, a leap day that only occurs once every four years.
Felicia is a leap baby, so thankfully we don't gotta get her any gifts until 2020!
A female whom is in a loving relationship with another of far greater age (they would be a baby in comparison).
Me: Deelon how is your baby girl?
Deelon: AYO stop calling her that
Me: But she's literally a tenner, you're a pedophile
Me: Alan, how old is your girl?
Alan: She's 15 lol
Me: WTF, you're about to GRADUATE high school! She is one baby girl.
Public Figure
Model,Influencer, aspiring actress and wrestler.
One sexxxxiiii lil Mami that stands 5'8" packed with a ton of talent.
Screen name for social media is frankee_baby62
Frankee Baby= Always looking flawless
One sexiiiii lil Mami with a lot of talent and a ton of traits
Frankee Baby-a sweet young lady on the rise
Did you see Frankee Baby today? She is always looking fine!
The album that cured everyone’s depression in 2020
Person 1: Yo did you hear about Blame it on baby? I don’t want to kill someone anymore!
A smaller variant of a Jeff but less cool and can not make a British Royal Guard laugh in 3.7 milliseconds but in 3.9 milliseconds. The only advantage a Baby Jeff has over the Jeff is the ability of P90X. Although there seems to be an inherent rivalry, the reality is there is a close fellowship none can measure, "heterosexually" of course.
Person 1: Who you goin wit? Baby Jeff?
Person 2: What?! Nah! Jeff!
unlike an incel who considers them-selfs to be unattractive to women, an incel baby is physically incapable of attaining women as they are the the single most revolting human being in this world
Paul DI Resta you fucking Incel baby go kill yourself you are a failure and your life is worthless you munted virgin