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douche flute


Douche flute ;douche tibia doo-sh floot
alson known as a Vape, Vape Pen, or shit stick

Checkout the guy blowing vape rings with his doucheflute

by markdinla April 3, 2017

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Douche Muffin

Douche muffin is a term for a white Dumb shity ass mother fuckers named ShaneStur

Douche Muffin, His movies are Realy Fucked up the pussy hole.

by Clitterdick347467846846 January 30, 2010

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bmw douche

Someone who hates on BMW's and is therefore a douche.

Yes you are mad you can't afford one and no we don't lease. We Own.

You're mad you can't afford one and have nothing better to do than write lies and bs about those who can afford one.

Maybe you should stick to your toyota since you would never be able to afford to buy one outright let alone put 20 g down for one to walk out of the dealership with it.

We make 100'000's of dollars a year and can therefore afford a bmw, a bmw douche can't. aka a( hater)AS IN WE have more power and money than you do and can afford better cars.

You're a BMW douche because you wish you had one yet can't afford one.

BMW douche is the guy who's hating on them not the drivers.

by klimx March 13, 2010

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Douche Train

Bumpo's favourite word at Kilcoo,
I, (Shaker) made it up.
It is another way to call someone a douche,
but douche-train is something bigger than a
douche, and it is much better than a douche bag.

"Chugga Chugga Douche Douche"
"You're a douche train"

by Shaker Grandy June 14, 2008

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Douche Bag

A self-absorbed person who could care less about anyone else. Many people have at least one friend who fits this description. Someone you can never count on but expects you to be there when needed. Douche bags tend to have girlfriends that cheat on them. If you ever decide to grill by the pool, he's the guy that shows up with a single unseasoned steak and half a bag of chips. He then proceeds to eat all of your food and drink your beer. If you're having a party, he's the guy that shows up with a 6-pack and proceeds to drink everyones alcohol. If one of your close friends has an attractive girlfriend, he's the guy that sends her creepy texts and tries to get her alone without your friend knowing.

Douche bags usually drive an H3 and blare loud rap music with their windows down. Sometimes they tend to be creepy and socially awkward around so-called friends. Usually, if a douche bag has a girlfriend, she will constantly call you and all your friends for sex. This is because douche bags have no real game and can only pull xanax eating tricks that love sleeping around.

Why do we even invite that guy over anymore? He never contributes and just talks about himself. What a douche bag!

by Giggles Mgee June 21, 2010

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douche bag

1. A person (usually male) who thinks he/she is witty and/or cool but really is not.
2. Foley.

1. That guy is such a douche bag.
2. Man, Foley is such a douche bag!

by SSJ Squall01 April 13, 2008

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douche mccallister

someone who resembles part douche, part deuce mccallister and that eats the excrement of assholes. no one likes these "douche mccallister"s, because of their lack of brain activity and over activity of smell.

man, that pat galloway is a douche mccallister.

why do you say that?

cause he's a smelly douche-looking mother fudger and i cant stand the odor any longer.

by saucy mcgee May 28, 2008

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