Source Code

bro nipple

The type of friend that you have and they are real douche bag and you do not know why you are friends with him.

john : Geez Sampson is such a bro nipple.

jim: Yeah his a real douche kebab.

by mr susan the second October 23, 2010

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Bro Price


1: Hey you wanna buy my car, I'll give you bro price.
2: Sweet, thanks man.

by MK599 April 4, 2013

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Bro Scene

To describe a situation, in which a man or group of men are displaying outrageous acts of masculinity, but doing it in such a flagrant way that everyone thinks they are homosexual for their acts.

This bro scene was working out in his swim trunks at the gym, what a Bro Scene.

by HiIAmAwesome July 13, 2012

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Bro Force

Bro Force is a term used for a game played at Partys or Kick Backs.

The Bro Force is a group of people Male or Female who are at a party or kick back. and one of there friends him/her are trying to hook up with someone. The Broforce must then choose to either help him/her hook up with the person or Block him/her from hooking up with the person.

The Bro Force Sign is a Hand Sign of the Lower Case Letter b It must be with the Right Hand not the Left.

The upside down b means to Block the person from hooking up with the person. The straight up b is to Guide the Person from hooking up with the Person.

If someone wants to have Bro Force started on them selves or others. They must click there b with someone else almost like a hand Shake. Then they either point out the person to Bro Force or the person there after or a friend that they want to either Guide or Block.

Bro Force is a term that me Ryan Kistner made up one night to play at a party it has grown fairly big in my town now im trying to open it up and let other people play it.bF

Hey man do you want us to bro force you.

by Ryan Kistner July 1, 2008

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A typical bro who likes to workout get bitches and get fucked up. He generally wears tight shirts to show off his muscles. When saying a sentence he would probably use the words bro and dawg in the same sentence.

Bro-Dawg: Hey bro let's go to this party, dawg there is going to be so much pussy there.

Other Bro: Yeah bro let's go dawg, let's get fucked up!

by TyyG November 21, 2011

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lady bro

a chick thatz not exactly bro hoe but she fitz into the category of a offroader..
she datez bros, lady bros dont like to hoe around or smoke weed..
They usually wear srh, tapout ,alpinestars, fox, Socal or Nocal, Hostility, infamous, metal mulisha, skin
-these girlz usually have blonde n black hair.. or sometype of fantasy color in their hair..
-these femalez are hard.. n down for their shit they DGAF
-Lifted truckz, quadz and dirt bikez are a neccessity
-usually listen to rock n kottonmouth kingz
these girlz are not ignorant..
they are actually very intelligent..

Guy.. Hey wutz up; ur a bro hoe right..
girl.. ahh not exactly im a lady bro
guy.. yeah i thought so, and yeah your hott
Girl.. yeah i know

by ladiebro dgaf December 10, 2007

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Bro code

- A true bro shall always forgive another bro regardless of the problem.

Hey you slept with my sister, but its all chill i forgive you just don't do it again because it against the bro code

by Brocode101 June 18, 2011

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