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Berries and cream

My favourite, absolutely scrumptious pudding! Yum! Yum! I love creeeeam!

Ooooo yeahhhhh go harder go berries and cream!!🥵

by Berrue and cream December 12, 2021

Berries and Cream

Involves a man cumming, then a woman smearing it on his testicles and sucking it off.

“Edith hath decided to perform the berries and cream on me last evening.”
“Oh John, that must have been absolutely painful. Do you think its because you didn’t perform the Little Lad Dance for her?”
“Ah well, i thought i was above such silly little dances.”

by Nomenclature… September 21, 2021

Berries and cream

berries and cream
new starbursts. the commercial made it popular
Little lad has a bad english accent.

guy - you tried these new berries and cream starbursts?

English guy - pardon me. what kind of starbursts did you just say?

guy - berries..

English guy - berries and what else?

guy - and cream

English guy - *ahh ah!* berries and cream, berries and cream, im a little lad that loves berries and cream. berries and cream! berries and cream! im a little lad that loves berrrriessss and creaaaaaaam!

by slayer3000 September 23, 2021

Cake with your ice cream

A guy being either disloyal in some manner or cheating on their gf


wanting to have 2 girls at once but keeping It secret

Referenced in SAYGRACE’s tiktok famous song ‘Boys ain’t shit

Example 1
‘Talking like a gentleman, please! You just want cake with your ice cream!’

Example 2
‘He just wanted cake with his ice cream and I have more self respect than to stick around

by Ssmithyyyy June 3, 2020

Bobbing for Cream

The act of giving a blow job.

I get so sick of bobbing for cream; it seems like that's all Bill wants anymore ...

by Torgprom December 1, 2010

whole ice cream tub

whole ice cream tub......a personal problem that will require attention and indulgence

counsellor: man that's some girlfriend/boyfriend problem...that's a whole ice cream tub

by Joneeko March 17, 2020

Cheese Cream

Cheese cream is a special sex recipe. It consists of male’s and females cum mixed together with grinded goldfish crackers. Then you add white wine and random beard hair from eBay. Then the woman shits into the mix and both participants drink all of it.

Last night me and my girl had Cheese Cream!

by 4242607342 hmu March 10, 2018