a day where americans get drunk at mexican restaurants
Christopher got drunk on cinco de mayo
Cinco de May symbolizes Mexico's great battle against the French army with margaritas and Mexican food.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Very nice city with with with the hoogtepunt pizza lier & Bowling Westland
The peoples of de lier are very smart.
WOw you live in de lier! Julien!?
de-strokeification is when someone does something so much higher than your being that your ego gets utterly Un Stroked
Man I was snow boarding Tuesday and Chad Dick did a flip mid air and caused total de-strokeification to my ego
One of those gay friends you've encountered in class or even in a gay strip club. Jose is mental and has multiple disabilities that he has trouble understanding.
Marc: "Yo Jose what's 1+2"
Jose: "My Mom.... wait no My V-card"
Marc: "What you're so Jose de la Cruz"
Eddy de pretto is a french singer
I really like Eddy de pretto