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full Rundgren

The moment you realize she's gone for good. And then you realize you may be at fault. But then you couch it all in, "Hey, I'm just a man."

So you guys aren't a thing anymore? "Yeah, she had a point but I gotta be me, dig? So I had to go full Rundgren."

by November 26, 2020

Full time mad bastard


The only full time mad bastards are TGF BRO

by LooseV69420 March 17, 2021


A douche bag, but of other worldly proportions.

Chad is not just a douche, not even a half douche, he’s a full-douche

by Gtennis310 November 12, 2018

full deadpool

Any kinky sex position which doesn’t have a name, or which has a name that isn’t as good as the Full Deadpool.

Last night, Peter Parker and I did the Full Deadpool.”

by edens_halo August 12, 2018

full burrito

The art of eating ass

"Just eat my ass"
"Dude no, that's only for my gf"
"Eww dude, I get eating pussy but going full burrito?"

by FullBurrito October 17, 2019

Going full Steffen

Not really taking part in a sports contest but still beating everybody else

„Did you see that guy who ran the marathon without a competitor number?“

„Yeah he was going full Steffen

by TheMemeHoarder February 6, 2020

Going full Steffen

Winning a sports competition without even taking part in it.

„Did you see that guy who ran the marathon without a competitor number?“

„Yeah he was going full Steffen

by TheMemeHoarder February 6, 2020