Jake is a sweat at any game he plays.He is very toxic and has been banned on several occasions.jakes typically play rainbow six siege and call of duty
Morgan:Yo Jakes such a sweat at rainbow six siege bro
Kinda knows how to to snowboard. And he plows an 18 year old in front of a x20 year old. But all that matters is he gets $ss. And he bombed Pakistan in '09. And he won. Thumb war.
Jake and Abraham Lincoln.
He is nice, commonly super smart. Sometimes can seem like a smart ass to people who don't know him. He love drawing and Star Wars. Is super knowledgeable on anime.This guy is incredibly protective of his friends and family.
Jake is a great friend!
A non existent hairline and waste of space
That piece of sh¥t Jake tried to find his hairline but couldn’t
As soon as we hopped on the eway, the jakes aint even wanna chase no more.
Jake is a boy who’s a big dick with a small pickle
Named his testicles the Jim and ben
BiGGg dork and idiot and meanie poop
Jake puts on a front of this “tough guy” but is actually really sweet and caring, he’s just scared of people getting to know the real him and then disliking it
Jakes a great person who’s NiCE to his FRIENDS
Guy: why are you like this
Jake: I’m a jake tahts what I do