Yes. Absolutely. I created A.I. and I shouldn't have to work another day for the rest of my life. I've changed the world FOREVER.
Hym "The fat, useless vermin that surrounds me hold 2 contradictory positions. 1: That they are both happy and fine with their miserable gas station lives and 2: That I should be kept there as a form of punishment. Their life is the much-deserved punishment for their failure to work harder.... AND... They are happy and have a good life. No amount of hard work or self improvement gets YOU to A.I. and how would I know? Because you've been working hard up to this point and you are not me. You DIDN'T do what I did. I could have locked you in a room and given you an infinite amount of time and you STILL wouldn't have done it. Even THE EXPERTS... WEREN'T DOING IT. You need to stip trying to punish me and pay me for my contribution. If you're not going to stop I WILL give you something for which to punish me. I'll murder your fucking kids in whatever numbers I can manage. YOU'LL DESERVE IT and YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU WANT. Will money make me happy? Yes. I don't give a fuck about dopamine responses. I don't give a fuck about meaning. I give a fucking about not having to live a life the quality of which is determined entirely by my inability to aviod deranged fucking vermin. They're RIGHT to murder your kids. Every time. No questions asked. I don't even need to read the manifesto. Even now I still haven't read a single one. I know why you did it. I wouldn't even stop. And neither should you."
To try to turn a man into someone he is not.
Omg, I heard Julie is making a man.
When a husband has vaginal sex with his wife in order to reproduce. This is only for instances in which the people fucking are a straight married couple who intend to create a child. A reference to the mashed potato like appearance of most newborn babies.
Kyle: hey john what are you planning on doing this weekend?
John: just making mashed potatoes with my sexy wife.
A phrase used to tell someone that they are not helping with a situation, but rather making it worse.
"Dad, you know I'm starting my senior year in high school, right? Well...It's nerve-wracking."
"Oh, don't worry, son. When you're out of there, you won't have to go back! And you'll get to move out and-"
"...Oh, I see...Yes, being on your own can be more stressful than even your worst days at school. To be honest, it's a much harder blow to your mom and I than you think, watching the last bird fly the nest...But I'll always be here for you until the day I die. Even if I'm 100 years old and in my deathbed, I will stay with you until my time is up. Never forget that, son, no matter how old you get."
putting on a full face of makeup and feeling cute.
all maked up and nowhere to go :(
Short for "make a mission". Used to describe leaving a place to fulfill an action, typically leaving to pickup drinks, food, or going out to accomplish something. More frequently used to describe unplanned outings, but can be used for planned as well.
"Let's make a mish to grab those beers from the 7-11."
"We ran out of pizza so I made a mish to get more."
"No more weed? Time to make a mish."