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Poker Face Queen

Poker Face Queen, also known as Poker, is a user on Internet who used to roleplay a lot on Discord but who suddenly disappeared one day. She used to play chaotic characters, but always with the objectif of making others laugh. She somehow made others love her characters not for their qualities but for their flaws, something that surprised her all the time. To those who might read this and who used to know her on Discord.. I'm sorry I disappeared like that. My studies became too time consuming and I was going through a lot of emotional stress and had a near burnout. I just cut off every social apps on my phone and now I'm scared of opening them again... Love you all guys.

Other users describing her (and Poker Face Queen describing herself too) :

Poker is a true meme lord.

Poker is the chaos lord.

by PokerFaceQueen June 5, 2023

Cum guzzling queen

Slut that takes dick all day and guzzles cum

Elaine is a cum guzzling queen that swallows cum from east to west coast

by S doc March 5, 2016

4 gen queens

g idle are the 4 gen queens

stan g idle the real 4 gen queens

by i143skz December 15, 2022

Last Cup Queen

A person, typically a female, who is a clutch player in the game of Flip Cup.

Man: Damn dude, that girl Ariana over there is totally not a Last Cup Queen. She lost to that other girl over there by 4 cups.

by Ari's Mom May 10, 2018

Last Cup Queen

A person, typically of the female variety, who is the clutch player in the game of Flip Cup or Beer Pong.

Joe: dude, that chick over there is a total Last Cup Queen.
Mike: you mean Ariana?
Joe: no, definitely not Ariana.

by Ari's Mom May 27, 2018

sexy queso queen

A bad ass bitch, named Megan B... She fucks

That girl is a sexy Queso queen

by Tmmurphy266 February 29, 2016

queen conversion therapy

Golden shower/gangbang combination therapy is also known as "Queen Conversion Therapy" in Canada. It has saved many lives since being developed in the late 1960s. It is being considered for addition to the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines. It is considered to be very elite. They say Maria Van Kerkhove dropped out of college to receive intensive Queen conversion therapy prior to becoming the WHO Covid-19 technical lead in 2005.

That bitch I met....she is too elite for me.... she a Queen. Look like she underwent Queen conversion therapy in high school and stayed that way her whole life

by RealRalphWiggum March 31, 2021