The white-man's version of the N-word.
"My ninja!", "Ninja, what did you say?", "Calm down ninja!"
That dude that died from Ligma.
Guy 1:"Yo i just heard that Fortnite streamer Ninja died from ligma!!"
Guy 2: "Oh no! He was my favorite!!"
Guy 1: "Yeah it's all over the news!"
Guy 2: "Wait, what is ligm-"
Guy 1: "LIGMA BA-"
Infamous cult leader. Blocked on many school district search engines. Makes money off of entertaining young boys ages 6-18.
"Who on Earth did that to your child?"
A crazy guy with a large ego who thinks he's good at games and funny but he really isn't
You're just like Ninja
A fortnite streamer popular with virgins and squeaky little kids using they’re parents credit card to buy skins
“Do you watch ninja”
“No because I’m not a pussy”
Ninja is a non-insulting way to refer to a black person. Replacing the obvious racist noun used to refer to black people
Yo, thats my ninja over there!
Word describing anything relating to, but not limited to, the most legendary warrior of all time. His name is unknown, but he is said to prestently reside in Livermore, California. The only clue of this legendary warrior that has been found are the letter, "T" and and word, "Beastman".
"That guy is so legendary. It's like he is truly a ninja."
"Sleep with one eye open, or the ninja will get you."