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1) deliberate or accidental misspelling of cat
2) an automobile used to get from point A to point B
3) a man's penis

1) "theres a car on my lap"
2) "i took my car to the autoshop the other day"
3) "have you seen terry's car? it's ginormous"

by dizzyouxxxit December 9, 2023


Do cars talk

Yes cars talk you just gotta listen

by Richard bakes February 23, 2022


basically just an engine with metal and leather out side

me: I don’t have a car
dude: k lol

by Krisxos November 13, 2019


cat misspelled to be funny

"that car looks to be 200 grams of protein"
"that can look acoustic"

by lio.phobic January 18, 2024


A metal box, usually with glass frames placed on all sides for better reception of photons to indicate whether operator(Casually called driver) is about to manuver the car into foliage, human made structures, people, cars, and other surroundings. The box has cylinders, made of rubber turned by the explosion of a combust able fluid, most likely petroleum. A car usually has rubber boxes inside the car to place an operator, luggage or person inside the box.

I drove a car to work.
I can't pay for a car.

by Not quite sure June 19, 2022


A new word for a cat.

Do not the car.
That's a very scary car (it's a kitten).

by RyukTheCarCollector February 22, 2024


A metal box with usually four wheels that can carry up to six people, if you count with the trunk.

"Did you hear about that guy that had sexual relations with a Car?"

by Cup of steel June 12, 2023