A bunch of things happened and then some stuff went down and then they left you on a cliff hanger with things and they figure it out with stuff.
"Have you seen The Walking Deadd"
"Yeah, my favorite part was about the stuff and things"
When you place both feet inside a cavernous Vagina and start to walk on the spot
That chaffinch last night had been about a bit. So much I was able to perform gorge walking
someone who literally is the worst person ever, always starting drama, and is a homewrecker.
Bro she is for real for real the walking devil.
When a christian comes home from college without a husband/wife.
Bro: Dude, are you going to your families house for the summer?
Dude: No bro, I'm super nervous
Bro: Why dude?
Dude: They're gonna give me a christian walk of shame
Bro: O shit
A walk usually given by a father very likely if the father is named Steve.
I saw this guy doing a steve walk earlier from a mile away.
When you're hungry and your waiting for your friends to get ready to leave so you start walking around the kitchen eating food as fast as you can.
" My mom and brother were taking to long to get ready so I started food walking."