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A gang/local/slang term used for the city of Indio, located in the infamous high-crime and drug-infested Southern California desert valley, that is the Coachella Valley (or, locally, Desert Empire).

Puro I-Town 760 'Till I Die

by bgraves98 December 28, 2016

Value town

The act of pursuing a deal or event for the benefit of your bank account (in a jewish)

“I just got my McDonalds order for half the price, that’s value town baby”

by ValueJew June 22, 2022


Referring to Auschwitz in a place where it is otherwise uncool to do so.

“If it were up to me, I’d have Michelle Obama sent off to A-Town for how bad she fucked us on school lunches.”

by ninji November 13, 2023


The best little town in Maine to ever exist! Acton's where's it's at!

Hey, come visit me, I live in A-Town.

by Fuckingfemalejesus April 26, 2013


Ex-name for Barrio Mojados.

Wet-Town Por Vida!

by Eblan May 7, 2023

Smack the town

Turning your back on a group of individuals rather it’s family or a partner

Krissy Wayward said “I smack the town for you!””

by Tttt5555 April 20, 2021

B-town Bitch

A B-town Bitch is a person who acts big and bad over text, but will never actually do anything they talk about. The B-town Bitch will try and make arrangements to throw hands and never show up, then continue to harass you and call YOU a bitch for "not showing up in time". Not to be confused with a keyboard warrior, the classic B-town Bitch will only ever send you empty threatening text message, nothing more.

"This kid won't stop blowing up my phone! He keeps making all these empty threats but refuses to step to me! You know what? I'm done wasting my time on this B-town Bitch."

by Dankwing_Duck_94 December 27, 2014