the act of sticking a popsicle in a girls ass and sliding the popsicle off the stick
dude 1 i cant belive amber let me bob slead her
dude 2 no shit really?
dude 1 yea motherfucker it was grape
dude 2 congrats on the grape bob sleading
Red neck version of saying knuggies/ nuggies ( when you put your hand into a fist like shape and take your knuckles and scratch one’s head)
You want a knuckle bob?
elias bob is a little faggot with a 1 inch dick and likes anime and lives in a cage
When you use your genitalia as a paint brush to paint a picture, can also be the term for pressing your genitals up against the glass of a window for the world to see
Lewis would be good at Bob Rossing if his penis wasn't so small
Bob rossing. When you have anal sex and use the excess fecal matter to paint a happy little tree on their lower back
Samantha wants a good Bob rossing this evening
The act of making a change in an activity or object that although initially may seem like ruining it, it's benefitial in the end product.
"Dude, I thought she would ruin the presentation but she totally Bob Rossed it"
"Dont worry for the chilly sauce in the ice cream, I'm just Bob Rossing it"