The home of Shredstain who can be seen shredding at all times of the day (and night).
Mercer university is the 9th top party school because of shredstain
A sexual act that consist of sucking a vagina while singing to "Across the Universe" by The Beatles. When the girl/person with vagina comes, they have to scream "OH JOHN".
-Hey Brad you won't believe me, yesterday I went to Emily's house and we did a dirty across the universe
-OMG mate you're lucky
A place for bad students who want to get a good degree. It's a school of crackheads who either spend their 4 years depressed with good grades, or high off of Redbull with bad grades. They're not much of party animals but they're animals still. They have beef with Northwestern students but nobody knows why. Also: the Laffer Conspiracy.
Ummm...I guess Georgetown University in Qatar
42.... Yeah underwhelming isn't it
The answer to life the universe and everything is...
You're really not going to like it 42
The generic moan women use as to not confuse themselves with multiple names of the men they are sleeping with.
Cristina uses the universal moan when I am murdering her vagina
a series of "brainrot" jokes that emerged after 2022 valentines, which all reference a comment donatella versace made on an instagram post of bella hadid. typically identifiable with the last word of the phrase being in all caps and a purple heart following right after. examples include the infamous "mama a girl behind YOU๐" and "can we go to ellie and mason HOUSE ๐"
me: mama a girl behind YOU ๐
my normie friend: wtf are you talking about there isn't anyone behind me
me: looks like this is your first time in the purple heart universe, huh?
One of the best universities in Czech Republic, you know the country where Beer is cheaper than water. It is currently 454th best university in the world according to the QS world rankings. While it is good academically (Mostly) it is shit in social life at least in FIT (Faculty of Information Technology). When you are in CTU say goodbye to your social life because it is going to be filled in lessons and trust me they won't look you in the eye when you failed the semester. Especially in FIT. If you are in FIT you are pretty much fucked.
-Hey, Where do you study?
-Czech Technical University in Prague.
-Which Faculty?
-Faculty of Information Technology.
-Oh so you have no life and you are pretty much fucked, great.