The worlds greatest source of food, so delicious, and has many variants. For example; potato cakes, fries (or chips), baked and many more
John: "What's this, it tastes amazing"
Bob: "Potato"
potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato. potato.
1. The greatest plant tuber ever created by nature. Many food contains it and becomes people's delicacy.
2. (Slang) A brown-skinned person who acts like East or/and SE Asian.
(Note that I'm not a racist though I've posted some slurs to share my knowledge)
A : What would you call a Mexican who reads manga, watches anime, eats Chinese food, listens to K-POP, supports Thai and Chinese stars/idols?
B : A potato?
A : Correct!
Potato is a person who is acting weird in a cute way. People that are called "potato" are usually loved by everybody and are very friendly. People use to add an adjective like "stupid potato" or "pretty potato".
This nickname can be used on female and male.
Jake: "yo, you saw what Dean did yesterday? I couldnt stop laughing!"
Paul: "yea he is really a stupid potato!"