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Douche Bag

(usage on the North Shore of Massachusetts). 1. A whore or slut. 2. A woman with a reputation for sleeping around.

"She is a huge f*cking douche bag."

by Bennyp7 January 23, 2009

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douche bag

The word "douche bag" originated in Birmingham, Alabama in 2004. The individual in which this phrase refers to is a sexist pig who likes triple anal sex with African Americans, yet claims that it's really his wife who likes triple anal sex (but we know the truth). He thinks that he's cool because he hangs out in the music scene, yet the only reason why those people "like him" is because his wife sleeps with them. The reason why he is a douche bag is because after his multiple triple anal adventures is the only way that he can feel clean. You may run into him at the local Wal-Mart in the hygene section buying his monthly supply of douche bags.

For more information, please see triple anal or chode.

Mike is a complete douche bag.

by Brad Reed March 16, 2007

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Douche Bag

Douche basically means fanny so calling someone a douche bag would mean fanny bag.

Rodger:Your such a douche bag Fredric.
Fredric:So's your mum.

by lemon stat man May 3, 2009

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douche bag

A female,washer and dryer.

Bill at work: Hey Ted,what did you buy Helen for her birthday? A washer and a dryer.You know,A Douche Bag and Turkish Towel.

by Tommy Lee September 3, 2003

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douche worms

These mythical worm like creatures are said to live off bacteria that forms in old bottles of douche. Upon use they can travel into the woman's vagina and take up residence, much like an STD.

Jason: Hey Sally; have you ever consider checking your vagina for douche worms?
Sally: Douche worms, in my vagina?
Jason: Yeah, it's more likely than you think!
Sally: They're in me. I can feel it... I used an old bottle of douche last week, and I have been wondering where that tingling sensation has been coming from.

by Terik October 29, 2007

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after douche

when a douchebag performs such douchery and is graduated to the next level.

darren joseph craig is the after douche..

by lilbichygrl July 18, 2008

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douche cannon

1. major douche bag. 2. the act of cumming in a girl like a cannon the leaving it in until you piss like a douche.

this douche cannon is so drunk he cant even walk straight.

by scm15 July 18, 2010

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