When four people grab each limb of someones body and tear them off.
Me and my Gs are going to gang nugget YOU!!!!!
A timeless dish that is the culmination of (2) classic entrees.
Obtain a Chipotle burrito bowl and Wendy's spicy nuggets in one sitting. Drop the nuggets into the bowl and shake vigorously creating a convection of nuggety goodness (similar to that of a Dutch Oven).
Serve immediately with Yum Yum sauce. Inebriation serves to enhance the flavor.
Guy 1: Bro, do you want to grab some Dutch Nuggets tonight?
Guy 2: Dutch Nuggeeetttsss!!!
Guy 1: Dutchhhhh Nugitz!
Guy 2: Hell ya fam, I'll bring the yum yum.
The satisfying feeling after eating chicken nuggets; whenever you feel something is as deliciously satisfying as a belly full of chicken nuggets, you are aloud to use this expression to describe your current state of happiness.
best friend; aw man, lets go to McDonalds and get drunk after.
you; cool nuggets. let's do it up.
When you anal and get a shit nugget on the end of your dick
I fucked Maurine in the ass last night but I got an anal nugget. It made me gag
like say shit balls or oh shit
Oh nard nuggets I missed the shot in 8 Ball
its your mom
'hey its a human chickin nugget '