It is when the government forces you to talk to people even when you don't want too
extrovert: let's go to trump's campaign
introvert: I don't want to go plus I hate trump and him truing yo make us political socialization when there is a pandemic going on
extrovert(pulls out a gun): we are going
introvert: ok
Someone who doesn't like other people's social media posts, but wants everyone to like their posts.
Basically a hater & narcissist.
Howard suffers from Social Greed.
In the middle of the Social Scale.
I'm a socially average kid, Ma'am!
The act of executing or killing one's social life by the executioner embarrassing, showing dominance, and even spreading lies about the person.
Daniel: Your a nerd, jack!
Jack: You're*
Hey, did you hear Jack got so embarrassed he went through Social execution?