The act of excreting feces on a woman's vagina then jizzing on the feces
"Last night, John gave me a Frosted Chocolate Muffin. Now I smell terrible!"
"Ooh, I like chocolate muffins. Do you think John could slide me one?"
"You're really not getting this are you?"
Short for "motherfucking bitch"
You're a muffin batch for doing that.
A man that is built like a a egg and has a womanly voice when saying "Here" Im looking at you Mister Morris.
That man is built like a Egg Muffin
One who will do anything just for sweet foods, which may include muffins.
John: Hey Mary, give me a BJ!
Mary: Why would I do that?
John: I'll give you a basket of muffins.
Mary: OK!
John: Wow, you really are a muffin hor.
When you finger your lady friend and use the excess spit, cum, vagina juices to make a creamy muffin.
Tina: Bill gave me a touch muffin last night!
Atira: No way I wish I could get a man like that to give me a touch muffin!
Tina: Stfu Atira you ugly slut.