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As a Cajun I don’t care about you people

I wouldn’t care if you people died the next day. I really don’t give a crap about you people.

As a Cajun I don’t care about you people. You people constantly prove to me that you are not worth fighting for or saving. I wish all of you would just drop dead like a bunch of wasps sprayed by wasp spray.

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker December 18, 2020

Ocean People

Noun. Another word for seaman. Especially used around kids as I code word during adult conversation.

"Last night mark and I were hanging out and he accidently got ocean people in my eye."

by Salt baby May 30, 2017

Sad People

Sad People
/S-ad/ P-e-pull/

1. Any Evil, Retarded, Cowardly, Weak, Sick Person or People, Beings, Entities, Hosts, Colonies, Artificial Intelligences, Algorithms, Software, Hardware, Codes, Bits, Chaos, Robots, Cyborgs, Androids, Machines, Souls, Consciousnesses, Thoughts, Ideas, Energy People, Electricity People, Lightning People, Electron People, Light People, Subatomic Quantum Particle People, Quantum Particle People, Atom People, Chemical People, Molecular Chemical People, Biochemical People, Molecular Biochemical People, Single Cellular People,

Multicellular People, Organic People, Inorganic People, Negative Atom People, Element People, Negative Element People, Matter People, Antimatter People, Doodle People, Anime People, Cartoon People, Comic Book People, Sacred Geometry People, Geometry People, Sound People, Color People, Aura People, Frequency People, Wave People, Circle People, Square People, Triangle People, Sphere People, Tesseract People, Tetrahedron People, Microbe People, Virus People, Plant People, Animal People, Fungi People, Mold People, Algae People, Slime People, Moss People, Lichen People, Rock People, Mer People, Alien People, Fantasy People,

Science Fiction People, Alternate History People, Mirror Dimension People, Multiverse Grid People, Infinity Timeline People, Negative Infinity Timeline, Lifeforms, Non-lifeforms, and Life that act like Less than a Nigger Slave.

Sad People
adjective and noun

"Our Rulers are Sad People and Less than Nigger Slaves."

Look Up Less than a Nigger Slave on Urbandictionary

by Nobody 🖤 January 4, 2025

Several People Under the Hill

Several males in the room feeling horny for the same girl but won't advance to her out of respect for each other.

Samantha: Why are those guys at the corner of room laughing at the same joke about someone.

Jhane: "Several People Under the Hill"

Samantha: Ah, gotcha.

by SilenceIsMyMiddleName November 27, 2018

Horner people

Horner people are Horn African people with black skin but with Eurasian phenotypical facial features

they Horner people

by Bobbystrurrew September 24, 2023

The idk people

Unknown individuals who work in collaboration with the North Pole operation. They deliver gifts in non traditional ways. They are no relation to elf's but help the over all process of distributing gifts. Not much other information is available on these people hence their name. They have been known to deliver gift even after christmas up until the new year.

Wow, i just got a new gift from “the idk peoplethis is awesome!

by Theidks January 4, 2022

Dem peoples

Dem peoples is defined as the police or any law agency.

I'm not trying to get arrested bu dem peoples.

by Rob run corleone September 12, 2022